Monday, September 18, 2006
Oh lovely little fantasy sphere is no longer available...haha i speak of course of that timeslot whereby i indulge in totally cliche korean drama serials. The series juz ended what a bummer man. how has life been? Oh well totally rollercoaster-ish, pendulum-like if i may say so and btw did you know that i have been bitten by the cynic bug?
If you like your world to be happy with chocolate-coated rainbows and cotten candy skies then mayb u should reconsider taking lit as one of your uni modules:) Haha...but no-oh i so do not exalt cynicism...goodness me what would I give to go back to those good old days of yore in jc whereby i would smile and know that good things are all for me. Now i think good things don't necessarily come your way...
Darn...and this cynicism bug has not only bitten me but many directors as well.. i feel like most of the movies i watch seem to enjoy portraying people who keep fighting for something only to lose it or juz not be happy after getting it...why why why?? Must it always be so depressing to appeal to us human beings/artistic critics? Mayb we are all becoming more and more depraved:)
Darn it but i still want to skip through life singing: everything's gonna be alright leh...Yes..i know i'm a Christian...I know i know...but i can think too right?
Anyway...don't get me wrong:) I still have my little 'bouts of happiness and reminders of how beautiful existence is...yeah.. and they come without a rhyme or reason too. But it can leave equally fast. Hence I say it's been rough..internally. I thought i matured and wuz so over that angsty, depressed stage of how did i end up back here again?
I really thought i wuz so over that...hmmm...
But i guess it will get better...I mean I know God:) He's no Kafka. how has life been? Oh well totally rollercoaster-ish, pendulum-like if i may say so and btw did you know that i have been bitten by the cynic bug?
If you like your world to be happy with chocolate-coated rainbows and cotten candy skies then mayb u should reconsider taking lit as one of your uni modules:) Haha...but no-oh i so do not exalt cynicism...goodness me what would I give to go back to those good old days of yore in jc whereby i would smile and know that good things are all for me. Now i think good things don't necessarily come your way...
Darn...and this cynicism bug has not only bitten me but many directors as well.. i feel like most of the movies i watch seem to enjoy portraying people who keep fighting for something only to lose it or juz not be happy after getting it...why why why?? Must it always be so depressing to appeal to us human beings/artistic critics? Mayb we are all becoming more and more depraved:)
Darn it but i still want to skip through life singing: everything's gonna be alright leh...Yes..i know i'm a Christian...I know i know...but i can think too right?
Anyway...don't get me wrong:) I still have my little 'bouts of happiness and reminders of how beautiful existence is...yeah.. and they come without a rhyme or reason too. But it can leave equally fast. Hence I say it's been rough..internally. I thought i matured and wuz so over that angsty, depressed stage of how did i end up back here again?
I really thought i wuz so over that...hmmm...
But i guess it will get better...I mean I know God:) He's no Kafka.