Sunday, June 24, 2007

something different

I have always been on this topic, always been amazed at this: change. How people can just keep changing, permutating and never stop, never cease to really stay and hit that plateau. This past few weeks I have changed and changed not by my own might or strength but truly by Jesus Christ. Truly I thank Him for working in my life during youth chalet and stirred up something different in me.

My fears, my lies, my pride seems to have died and in me a new strength and joy I find that is really not my own. Even now as I write I pray that these words are not my own. A blog is just like a human being, different entries with different thematic emoticons, yet each entry has it's secrets and it's hypocripsy. But now I just want to write sincerely.

What is life without a saviour? He has revealed so much to me that I don't think I want to go back living my life as I did in the past. In the past when I revelled in myself all the time. Getting drunk on my silly emotions, wasting time in my own desires, dreams and pride. But I know that He was patient telling me to not throw away all that I already have received, so I clung on but only by a thread.

Now I'm glad that I have forsaken this choice of living a selfish Christian life. To always just feel contented in my own salvation and live like the world, chasing and chasing and always knowing that I can never be fully asuaged. How blinded I was. Blinded by people who constantly judge when their words that were just empty praise. Sometimes I just want to steer clear of them but I know that that would be too selfish.

God has truly given me many windows of opportunities to share His good news at work and I truly thank Him for allowing me room to improve. The first time I tried my best but of course in my heart I felt I failed. In some sense I was disappointed with God for not giving me the ans immediately when I was challenged, my collegue's idea of religion stumped me and I could not counter. Yet now that I have it maybe I can share it.

(In my office there is a huge alter and ironically that was where our little conversation began, after he prayed.)
Collegue: Oh you are a Christian?

Swee: Yes. (Heart leaps 'cause she knows where this will lead to)

Collegue: Oh I see, I don't judge any religion as right or wrong because I believe that all religions will lead to that one God.

Swee: Really? Ok... (testing the waters)

Collegue: You see it's like that security guard house over there. There are many different routes to take see... you can walk from your point, I can walk from my point and in the end we will reach that same place.

Swee: Oh Ok... ( help. Stumped)

Of course when I took his car I tried to relate to him my experiences with God and how God's word is truth but I knew that if I could not ans his totally false notion all would be for naught.

Well God revealed the ans the next day and I was disappointed, (why not earlier?). God said that indeed from wherever you are you can take any route you want and all will lead to the same place, as all will die and meet at the gates of heaven for judgement. But how many can get in through the door? There is only one way in, and are you confident that you have the means to get in?

Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.

And when I finally got the ans I was truly amazed at the wisdom of God. Hopefully this will not be wasted and I believe in time to come such a wonderful truth can be used to bless another.

I hope that I will never change now. This is how I want to live my life, for nothing absolutely nothing can satisfy me more than just living for God and His cause.

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