Friday, October 13, 2006


You know that quote that janice koh says on arts central: "...i believe if you want it bad enough, life will open it's doors to you."

I love that message, I love the whole feel of that advert, it makes me want to believe that truly life will open it's doors for you one day. And I guess in small quiet ways I learn to accept that it can still be beautiful even if that door is not opened yet.

I don't want to live in a world like Amelie that can only be seen in her own head and not ever felt. It's really quite really is. I think I will still go ahead..i can't just give it up...i can't even if you tell me my dear that many things are permissable but not always beneficial. But how do you weigh the benefits of a certain matter.

Anyway guess where i am now? Im in my fave place in nus:) it's the forum!! Reminds me of the bleachers, not that it looks remotely like it..juz the feel nice breezy feeling it gives me.

I have everything i need and everything that I NEED to do in front of me.

Sigh...and of course everything that I WANT to do that is out of my reach or not permissable at the moment.

Is there even such a word as 'permissable'

Goodness i don't even know and I'm using it like it's free...haha...somebody help check it out at please. My brain is rotting in it's little sphere.

Ok toodles back to work now. Will load the class photos up mengz!! Give me time k.. haha like after 1st nov!

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