Sunday, March 19, 2006
The beauty of humanity, that's what struck me as i made my usual trips along the underpass in orchard. Seeing the hords of people stride pass me, a whole paraphernalia. I see the beauty in each in face. Though not perfect there is a quality beauty in each of them. What's even more beautiful is the person behind the face.
I'm thankful for everybody in my life. Every single soul. People who i have met and those tt i still meet and keep in contact. From mere acquaintances to friends and soulmates...i treasure each and everyone of them.
However it is understandable and through the experiences i have encountered throughout the week, people fail us. It really hurts when u give so much to ensure the other's heart to be kept intact and to ensure you don't let them down in anyway. Yet they take forgranted your existence and goodwill...It hurts even more when friends hurt you unintentionally...and you wonder if you really are as lousy as they make it out to be.
Hence it's really through the fallibility of man that really makes me see the perfection of God. He alone can love me for who I really am, and only He can truly say, I will never disappoint you my beloved. That is such a huge source of strength for me.
I know I too have the capacity to hurt and disappoint many around me. Even strangers will get disappointed by so? Well working in orchard has led me to understand the term charity fatigue. Everywhere you turn there is this charity to donate to that orphanage needing funds. Pls help us. Excuse me miss can i get a moment of your time... I really don't mind donating once in a while but sometimes when i turn them down, and sometimes I play down the mr nice-guy role quite a yeah. It makes me feel guilty, cuz i've been in their shoes before.
Anyway. We can never do without people! Everybody needs friends to share their pain and jokes with...we all need people to relate to and confide in...But despite this, I think man needs God more. I certainly do.
I'm thankful for everybody in my life. Every single soul. People who i have met and those tt i still meet and keep in contact. From mere acquaintances to friends and soulmates...i treasure each and everyone of them.
However it is understandable and through the experiences i have encountered throughout the week, people fail us. It really hurts when u give so much to ensure the other's heart to be kept intact and to ensure you don't let them down in anyway. Yet they take forgranted your existence and goodwill...It hurts even more when friends hurt you unintentionally...and you wonder if you really are as lousy as they make it out to be.
Hence it's really through the fallibility of man that really makes me see the perfection of God. He alone can love me for who I really am, and only He can truly say, I will never disappoint you my beloved. That is such a huge source of strength for me.
I know I too have the capacity to hurt and disappoint many around me. Even strangers will get disappointed by so? Well working in orchard has led me to understand the term charity fatigue. Everywhere you turn there is this charity to donate to that orphanage needing funds. Pls help us. Excuse me miss can i get a moment of your time... I really don't mind donating once in a while but sometimes when i turn them down, and sometimes I play down the mr nice-guy role quite a yeah. It makes me feel guilty, cuz i've been in their shoes before.
Anyway. We can never do without people! Everybody needs friends to share their pain and jokes with...we all need people to relate to and confide in...But despite this, I think man needs God more. I certainly do.