Monday, December 12, 2005


You know i think it's harder to stick to keeping a blog once school is over...there seems to be so much more to do with one's life then typing out one's thoughts in a blog. But oh well...i have had alot to think about during these past few days. I went to a fren's church camp...and well i realised that not only are there divisions in the secular form of family but also in the Christian form. There are many different denominations in the Christian family with different beliefs and it gave me a huge headache during my course in their church.

Sigh...really if i believed in what their church advocates it's like excavating the ground which i stood upon for years and what about my personal experience with God and all the miracles, sights and wonders that i have seen Him done in my church. So there you have it 2 opposing views and only one truth. I wuz confused beyond confused. Of course i tried to be objective but i really couldn't discount my personal experience...and it made me depressed as to y the Lord allowed such a misunderstanding of His word...because both relied on His word as a basis of how each church works.

The thing is i tried my best to be objective...i wrote out all the reasons as to why this church believed in a certain way, and then went back to ask my own cell leader...i must say...the arguments can be flipped. I am so torn, i mean the duration spent in my fren's church has assimilated me to another way of worship which i have grown to appreciate and also to lead me to c the power in His word. Yet deep in me this conviction on the beliefs i harboured for years cannot be forgotten.

Yet something that my cell leader said struck me. He said I may not know God's word as well but i spend more time knowing my Lord...So by knowing Him I have better knowledge of the word then if I juz study the word on it's own. It's like if you know your Dad well enough you would understand his would understand his thoughts for you as the child.

Hmmm...i still have my doubts but i think this experienced has been a blessing in disguise. Despite all the pain initially i have to say that i have grown and now im more determined to live my life for the Father:)

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