Thursday, July 14, 2005
God are you there? It's Me Grace...
Haiz this whole week has been tiring. very much to do im really overwhelmed. I'm letting some things go gradually but looking at the amount of things left to do is still quite daunting. The memory verse that keeps me gg is from Philippians if im not wrong:P "Don't be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and peitition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus." Amen.
Yeah. so tired. one of those rare moments i managed to catch up with a fren during our recess. I know i know we are in the same sch but so what? It can still be hard to meet up with friends and really sit and talk and bask in the friendship & fellowship. So yeah...i really treasure precious moments like this:) Anyway this past few days i have been feeling rather low. The feeling of discontentment i's like sometimes as human beings, one finds it so hard to see the heart of the Lord. Things don't go according to will...then as time goes by you begin to accept where you are because you know it's by his perfect will. You may not love it initially but you try to deal with it...i don't know...sometimes i feel like im juz trying to compromise with God. Like ok fine you don't give me this...i will try to settle with that. Of course there are times when i think i see the light! And i tell Him, "Yes God, now i know, now i see why you put me here!" Of course there are those times when the gg gets tough or you juz start to envy one's neighbour's i go, "Excuse me God? Excuse me?"
Haha yeah...really the both of us felt exactly like tt. Exactly like that. I was quite surprise that we shared the same sentiments at the same time, but abt diff matters of course. Sigh. I wish things went my way sometimes... im sure...well quite sure i would have been happy if it did. Or...maybe not. I don't know. The choices that I make in life, are not why not my way? If it was something really detrimental to me then i can understand why He won't let me have it, but it isn't. oh dear... but that was my past feelings lah. I think im fine now.
Haha...the perfect example of a mood swing; the madness of fluctuating emotions. Oh wellz...I guess i ought to trust lah. I am sure that i will see the light (that will last and not juz a flicker) eventually, why reality seems to detour from my precedent plan.
Yeah. so tired. one of those rare moments i managed to catch up with a fren during our recess. I know i know we are in the same sch but so what? It can still be hard to meet up with friends and really sit and talk and bask in the friendship & fellowship. So yeah...i really treasure precious moments like this:) Anyway this past few days i have been feeling rather low. The feeling of discontentment i's like sometimes as human beings, one finds it so hard to see the heart of the Lord. Things don't go according to will...then as time goes by you begin to accept where you are because you know it's by his perfect will. You may not love it initially but you try to deal with it...i don't know...sometimes i feel like im juz trying to compromise with God. Like ok fine you don't give me this...i will try to settle with that. Of course there are times when i think i see the light! And i tell Him, "Yes God, now i know, now i see why you put me here!" Of course there are those times when the gg gets tough or you juz start to envy one's neighbour's i go, "Excuse me God? Excuse me?"
Haha yeah...really the both of us felt exactly like tt. Exactly like that. I was quite surprise that we shared the same sentiments at the same time, but abt diff matters of course. Sigh. I wish things went my way sometimes... im sure...well quite sure i would have been happy if it did. Or...maybe not. I don't know. The choices that I make in life, are not why not my way? If it was something really detrimental to me then i can understand why He won't let me have it, but it isn't. oh dear... but that was my past feelings lah. I think im fine now.
Haha...the perfect example of a mood swing; the madness of fluctuating emotions. Oh wellz...I guess i ought to trust lah. I am sure that i will see the light (that will last and not juz a flicker) eventually, why reality seems to detour from my precedent plan.