Saturday, March 26, 2005
It's been a long time since i've come back to the Lord in terms of infilling of the spirit, to give him first place in my heart and to juz really rededicate my life to him as a living sacrifice. Really, whatever cynicism or negative emotions tt i had in me seems to have been replaced by a great sense of purpose and eagerness to serve the Lord and live for him.
I pray tt this will be the sort of attitude i have every single day. For indeed, what's better than being in the presence of the Lord...haha people reading this now will prob think tt im on one of those (as what cass calls them) 'emotional highs', but hey it's good to experience this sort of joy even if it's only one day in ur live for Him seems so much more meaningful than to live for oneself. I am ashamed to say there were countless of times when i get sucked into the world's ideal of narcissism, the loving of oneself sometimes over-rides the love for God! Go ahead say whatever you want, do whatever you pls, as long as it makes you happy. But the spirit convicts one and hence it's really hard to get away scott-free as how the world promises. Ah...i get no joy living for myself, i get no joy saying and doing whatever i want and contradicting my identity as a Christian.
Well it's hard to live for him, but as we celebrate be reminded of His death tt gave us life...i think it's worth tt we suffer this little pain tt life brings. I once read this book, Joy Luck Club, and wuz really moved by the portion of when a mother sacrificed her life to give her daughter a stronger spirit and more courage to live. It really spoke to me...hey tt's like Jesus who died for me...gave me a hope to live strong for Him:) So my life is accounted to's like saying to God, "Hey i owe you one...i owe you big time."
Yeah i have fallen many really takes conscious effort to live for Him, but it's really worth it. Yupz to live a life that is edifying to the Lord...his friendship is really the only thing tt can satisfy. But of course don't be selfish...share it to everyone else, tt they may see it too this joy, Lord give me courage to serve, boldly.
I pray tt this will be the sort of attitude i have every single day. For indeed, what's better than being in the presence of the Lord...haha people reading this now will prob think tt im on one of those (as what cass calls them) 'emotional highs', but hey it's good to experience this sort of joy even if it's only one day in ur live for Him seems so much more meaningful than to live for oneself. I am ashamed to say there were countless of times when i get sucked into the world's ideal of narcissism, the loving of oneself sometimes over-rides the love for God! Go ahead say whatever you want, do whatever you pls, as long as it makes you happy. But the spirit convicts one and hence it's really hard to get away scott-free as how the world promises. Ah...i get no joy living for myself, i get no joy saying and doing whatever i want and contradicting my identity as a Christian.
Well it's hard to live for him, but as we celebrate be reminded of His death tt gave us life...i think it's worth tt we suffer this little pain tt life brings. I once read this book, Joy Luck Club, and wuz really moved by the portion of when a mother sacrificed her life to give her daughter a stronger spirit and more courage to live. It really spoke to me...hey tt's like Jesus who died for me...gave me a hope to live strong for Him:) So my life is accounted to's like saying to God, "Hey i owe you one...i owe you big time."
Yeah i have fallen many really takes conscious effort to live for Him, but it's really worth it. Yupz to live a life that is edifying to the Lord...his friendship is really the only thing tt can satisfy. But of course don't be selfish...share it to everyone else, tt they may see it too this joy, Lord give me courage to serve, boldly.