Monday, February 28, 2005


I'm listening to 'Come What May' now such a lovely song...yes yes, it's all over!! We-ell...actually terms sorta ended for me last Weds but oh well it has officially ended today...Art went very well!! Yay, I think this is one of those times when I know this is not me but the Lord at work lah...cuz really...I've never been so happy with a piece of work done under the constraints of examination time:) So im very very happy!!
Had a nice bonding session with the Sops and the one lone tenor, *grinz*. LL i think u shd juz convert to become a girl...haha...but of course despite the short breather and break tt comes after the's not the end yet. I still have some stuff to reading EMPIRE...oh shucks. Then there is still more Art and E1...but i shd learn to let tmr worry for itself...
So what's new?? Hehheh, the fact tt im a year older!! Haha M-18 movies here i come...haha(but they dun really check lah) ok im really being crappy. This is cuz i realise tt most of my entries are so serious tt i feel quite, not sad juz a little low after reading em, plus i feel happy today. So this one will be perky and high-energy:D
Oh oh, we painted nails today:) couldn't settle for a movie so we juz lazed around and talked.
Lovely lovely. wuz o-levels result release...hope the juniors did ok. Urgh, i remember tt day vaguely...but i noe i wuz really disappointed...but oh well i did try my best, so cheers. really tired so yupz, goodnight:)

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