Monday, January 10, 2005

Random Rambles

I find it strange tt I always feel like I have so much to say yet when I begin to type and allow for emotional catharsis to take place...i can't remember what is it tt I had in mind to say.
Let's see, we got the certain 'something' from the certain 'somebody' today:) So happy. So I wuz happily excused from lessons again for the whole day. But I didn't waste it I think...tried to catch up on e1, and now I'm back home doing Art. Haha...but yay didn't have to go for Chinese lecture:) Yes! Yes! But hey give us some credit's very tiring to have orientation for a whole wk...ok I shall sleep early today.
I really enjoyed chapel today:) Really really missed it...but now the j2 arts r all the way at the back! So I really felt so distant...oh hey what am I saying...God is omnipresent. Pastor shared some stuff today tt is extremely inspiring:) Of course it's mainly meant for the J1s inspire them to not become slackers like their seniors haha...jk. Indeed, the Adidas slogan is really cool! Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in a world they have been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it is an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it’s a dare.
Impossible is potential, Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is nothing. Woah...never thought of it tt way. Yupz, we Christians shd adopt the Adidas slogan.
Initially, I wuz filled with much fear and doubt abt the new year. But hey impossible is nothing with God! How could I forget tt wonderful fact! Wellz, so far so good. The new year has started out on a good note. I know the going will get rough once in a while, but hey even if life wuz a bed of roses, there wld still be their oh wellz, I shalt not fear for You r near:)
Good luck to all e juniors going for choir auditions! Don't worry, it's not tt bad! :)

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