Sunday, January 16, 2005

Carpe diem

The Lover and the Lovee

Now, lover boy, you listen to me.
Are you sure
You want to spend all your life
Acted upon, not acting?
Defined by the Passive
Not the Active Voice?
'He was cooked a fine meal.
He was washed a clean shirt.
He was kissed a warm kiss,
He was loved
He was lived.'

Intolerable? Of course!
Now lover boy, you listen to me.
For a change, you'll be the lover
And I the lovee.

Lovely poem:) In E8 we are doing carpe diem for the syllabus. Real fun...except when Sir starts betting with us on who can spot the lewd pun first...oh wellz. Real busy now what with the workload getting heavier. So many books to read and I'm not even a quarter through Empire of The Sun! Argh...but I really like Anthony and Cleopatra, which is a good thing...I can't imagine going through a play for the exams if i positively hated it. Ah wellz, at least I'm halfway through my workload for now...hopefully will b able to take a serious one day hiatus on Friday:) Oh joy, one public hol to look forward to *sigh*. Strange tho, despite all the time spend on things to do, neccessities and thoughts still wonder to you...'tis beautiful yet, cruel.

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